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Virological culture media liquid
Found: 26
P/N |
Title |
Unit |
Price |
MGM-100 |
MarrowGrow Medium 100ml |
100 ml/bottle |
pre-order |
1.3.26. |
Medium for lymphocytes LIMKAR-Biol-05 liquid sterile, with PHA-P, 5ml x 16, frozen |
16 tube/box |
pre-order |
1.3.27. |
Medium for lymphocytes LIMKAR-Biol-100 liquid sterile, with PHA-P, 100 ml, frozen |
100 ml/bottle |
pre-order |
1.3.28. |
Medium for lymphocytes LIMKAR-Biol-200 liquid sterile, with FHA-P, 200 ml, frozen |
200 ml/bottle |
pre-order |
1.3.29. |
Medium for lymphocytes LIMKAR-Biol-500 liquid sterile, with PHA-P, 500 ml, frozen |
500 ml/bottle |
pre-order |
| |
RPMI-1640 glutamine-free pit medium, liquid, sterile, PET, 450m |
450 ml/bottle |
pre-order |
1.3.31. |
Medium for lymphocytes LIMKAR-Biol-05 liquid sterile, with PHA-P, 5ml x 20, frozen |
20 tube/box |
pre-order |
| |
Medium for virus transport, liquid, sterile, 50ml |
50 ml/bottle |
pre-order |
1.3.30. |
Medium for virus transport, liquid, sterile |
100 ml/bottle |
pre-order |
1.3.1. |
Medium 199 with L-glutamine, liquid, sterile-filtered, PET, 450 ml |
450 ml/bottle |
pre-order |
1.3.6. |
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (DМЕМ) with L-glutamine, with 1 g/l glucose, liquid, sterile-filtered, PET, 450 ml |
450 ml/bottle |
pre-order |
| |
Dulbeccos Modified Eagles Medium (DMEM) with alanyl-glutamine, with 1 g/l glucose, liquid, sterile-filtered, PET, 450 ml |
450 ml/bottle |
pre-order |
* Конвертация валюты происходит при перемещении товара в корзину по курсу Банка России на текущий день с учётом комиссии Компании.
Found: 26